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More about The South Asian Bar Association of Georgia

The South Asian Bar Association of Georgia, SABA-GA, is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to encouraging and promoting the professional growth of South Asian lawyers and other members of the legal profession.  SABA-GA was formed in 2001 as the "IndusBar of Georgia" by nine founding members.  Since its inception, it has represented and advocated the interests of South Asian lawyers and the legal profession and has broadened professional opportunities for South Asian lawyers.  As we continue to grow, we hope to continue to provide a forum for professional networking, development, mentoring, and education for lawyers and students in the legal community.

Our Mission

SABA-GA's mission is to:

  • promote the advancement of lawyers and students of South Asian heritage in the legal profession
  • provide a forum for professional networking, development, mentoring, and education
  • increase awareness and encourage resolution of issues of concern for the South Asian community
  • support the provision of legal services to the South Asian community
  • increase awareness of the legal, political, economic, and cultural environment of South Asia in the local community

SABA-GA is a chapter of the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABANA) which provides a vital link between South Asian lawyers across North America.  Learn more about SABANA here.

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